Deliver Our Life to U ~3講座~

北海道大学 建築材料学研究室(3講座)の日常をお届けします。

学会 Institute

 先日、7月9日から7月11日にかけて開催されましたJCI大会 in 高松に参加してきました。

学部生などのために簡単に添えておくとJCIとはJapan Concrete Instituteの略称で、日本コンクリート工学会と呼びます。







A few days ago, we took part in the JCI Annual Convention in TAKAMATU held from July 9th to 11th.

I will give brief explanation about what JCI is. JCI is the abbreviation for Japan Concrete Institute and called "Nihon konkuri-to kougakkai" in Japanese.

In this convention, I could present about my graduation thesis. I didn't have any consciousness like trying to make an achievement and feel any possibilities to do.

If anything, I thought that I tried to catch what experts concerning about my reserch theme think and how their presentations or their methods to explain are.

I thought that I had experienced well for my life.

And our professors gave their presentations.  Thank you.




